Saturn will be leaving Scorpio and transit in Sagittarius sign on 26th Oct 2017.
Before going to results for Saturn transit in Sagittarius for all ascendants we need to keep following points in mind.
Just like any other planet, Saturn also changes its role for different ascendant. For example, Saturn is malefic for Aries ascendant whereas Saturn is benefic for Tauras ascendant.
Due to this change of Saturn’s role for different ascendants, its transit predictions also tend to produce different results for different ascendants.
Therefore final predictions on Saturn transit will depend on following factors:
- Saturn tends to produce auspicious results for Tauras, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants.
- Whereas Saturn produces inauspicious results for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant.
- We should also keep an important point in mind that naturally, Saturn produces good results in 3rd, 6th, and 11th house.
- Saturn natural results in Sagittarius.
- Since we are dealing with transits here, it’s very important to look into ashtakvarga bindus of Saturn in Sagittarius. If more than 3, Saturn will give good results during this transit.
- Also, check if Saturn transit in Sagittarius is going over 22nd Drekkana or 64th Navamsha. Any malefic planet like Saturn transit over these sensitive points results in injuries or health issues.
Saturn is a malefic planet and tends to create negative results if afflicted. On another hand, Saturn can produce Rajyoga when in a planetary relationship with the benefic or yoga karaka planet.
Saturn is a slow planet and making a prediction on Saturn transit in Sagittarius can be tricky therefore the predictions for these Saturn transit are general in nature and for accurate predictions, other factors in Horoscope will matter.
Saturn Transit Effects On Aries Ascendant
For Aries Ascendant native, so far ashtama Shani was creating troubles for you and its negative effects did not allow you to progress in life.
Saturn is a very important planet for Aries ascendant native since it rules over two very important house and deals with the objectives which people aspire every day. Saturn during its transit to Sagittarius will leave their 8th house and bad period of Saturn in the 8th house will end now.
Saturn transit in Sagittarius will bring a lot of reliefs for Aries ascendant native. Saturn is lord of the 10th and 11th house and deals with job, honor, gains, networking etc.
Saturn transit over the 9th house will bring opportunities, long distance travel and good health to you.
Though Saturn transit in 9th house will be a slow process to perfection and don’t expect sudden success or good results from it.
Saturn in 9th house will also bring a delay in the approval of projects or deals but don’t leave your projects after initial failures, this is how perfection will come to you and Saturn will reward you for your hard labor.
Saturn transit over your 9th house is not a good sign for your health of your father and those who are passing through weak Sun or afflicted 9th house lord Dasha should take care of fathers health.
This transit may also lead to clashes with the boss or your superiors. Overall, it’s a good transit and with patience and hard work you will gain maximum out of this transit.
One important point which I like to include, that during this transit of Saturn over the 9th house, you might get into impulses of breaking rules or immoral practices will be appealing to you, but remember what impact it will create in your future and it’s best to stick to a life full of principles.
Aries ascendant natives should wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to gain the best results of this Saturn transit.
Saturn Transit Effects On Taurus Ascendant
For Tauras ascendant natives Saturn will be moving to their 8th house and ashtama Shani period will start for them though Saturn is a Yogakaraka planet for them and does good no matter where he goes but still ashtama Shani can bother them to some extent.
Here, Saturn will lose his potency to protect the horoscope especially if you’re running through Dasha of Jupiter or Mars.
This movement of Saturn in your 8th house will bring a completely different experience for you and is very good for people working in the insurance, undercover works, mining, oil, iron and especially for those who have a deep interest in occult science.
This period will prove good to your in-laws also and can help you to gain some inheritance.
Saturn is lord of the 9th and 10th house for Taurus ascendant and in the 8th house will lead to issues related to these houses. Work and health of the father may suffer due during this period, but there can be some sudden good work opportunity for you, especially if you are running through Moon or Saturn Dasha itself.
Overall the results of this transit will be mixed in nature for you. If you’re into research like a Ph.D. student, this transit will help you to dig deep.
For relief from ashtama shani wear a Jyotish quality Blue Sapphire, this will help to overcome the bad effects of ashtama shani during 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Saturn Transit Effects On Gemini Ascendant
For Gemini Ascendant natives Saturn will leave the 6th house and will enter their 7th house.
I am very sure that many of Gemini Ascendant natives had health issues during Saturn’s transit over their 6th house. Now it’s the time when it will end, there were obstacles in your path due to Saturn transit through 6th house, they will also ease now.
Saturn in the 7th house can be bad also and a lot will depend on Saturn’s ashtakvarga bind us in the sign of Sagittarius.
Saturn has dual lordship for you and if Saturn has less than 3 ashtakvarga bindus in Sagittarius than, Saturn’s bad house ruler ship can come to the surface and with more than 4 ashtakvarga bindus, Saturn will bless you will good results for sure.
During this transit, a special attention should be paid to the spouse and married life.
Also, for people who are working in partnership should take care of what’s happening around them. Those who were trying to go abroad will find luck on their side and will be able to make it during this transit.
Overall a good transit for you and with a little care on the relationship, both work and personal, you will find yourself at the bright side of life.
Wear a Jyotish quality Emerald to minimize the bad effects of Saturn transit in Sagittarius.
Saturn Transit Effects On Cancer Ascendant
For Cancer Ascendant natives Saturn rules over their 7th & 8th house. Saturn is an out and out malefic planet for Cancer ascendant natives and whichever house Saturn will go, that house will feel the wrath of Saturn. Saturn transit over your 6th house demands special care as far as health is concerned.
Saturn transit over your 6th house demands special care as far as health is concerned.
The Same attention is required for the health of your spouse also. Here, Saturn is 7th house lord and carries the signification of marriage and married life.
Its transit through your 6th house may lead to some trouble over your married life, especially if your 7th house is afflicted.
For Cancer Ascendant natives, Saturn transit over 6th is most malefic transit, especially for their marriage.
Those who want to visit abroad, especially for settlement will find themselves lucky in this regard. Overall, it’s not a supportive transit for most of the aspect of life and needs to be passed with caution.
Wear a Jyotish quality Red Coral as a remedy to minimize the bad effects of this transit of Saturn.
Saturn Transit Effects On Leo Ascendant
For LeoAscendantt Saturn rules over the 6th and 7th house and is a malefic planet for them.
Saturn will transit in Sagittarius will be the 5th house of their horoscope.
Saturn transit over your 4th house from November 2014 was very painful and it leads you to many not so good situation. Now the whole scenario will change and Saturn over your 5th house will be better than its current transit through your 4th house.
There will be chances of marriage and childbirth, but some cautions might be needed for both of these aspects of life.
There will be gains during this period, but they will come to you after persistence and handwork.
Money and financial progress won’t come to you easily during this transit, but if you have the patience and understanding of the situation then, sure Saturn will bless you with long-lasting benefits. Remember nothing comes easily with Saturn and when it comes, it stays for long.
Here Saturn aspect over your 7th house shows that relationship with spouse needs your attention and care, make sure you’re doing best for your relationship, otherwise this transit can cause some issues which can break you especially during Saturn transit over your 6th house in the sign of Capricorn.
Don’t do anything bad which can affect your relationship, you might find yourself paying for it in Saturn next transit over your 6th.
Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to minimize the bad effects of Saturn from 2017 to 2020.
Saturn Transit Effects On Virgo Ascendant
For Virgo natives, Saturn is lord of 5th & 6th house and basically a benefic planet them, especially when endowed with strength.
Saturn transit in Sagittarius will be through your 4th house and the golden phase of Saturn transit through your 3rd house will end with it.
Saturn transit over your 4th house will have to mix shades of positive and negative. Saturn through your 4th house can affect the health of the mother, domestic peace, and career progress.
If you’re passing through Dasha of Mars, then be cautious of investment and major decisions related to career.
If you’re awaiting promotion, then Saturn will make you wait more and things will work out after some extra efforts.
Overall, it’s a transit which might seem to be negative, but it won’t be since every problem due to this transit will be short-lived and will teach you something new with it.
It’s actually a positive transit, especially if you’re looking long-term benefits. If passed with a positive attitude this transit will provide you with a good base for progress in the future.
Wear a Jyotish quality Emerald to remove the negative effects of Saturn transit in Sagittarius.
Saturn Transit Effects On Libra Ascendant
For Libra ascendant natives Saturn is a yogakaraka planet and does good where ever it goes.
This time Saturn is moving to their 3rd house where Saturn performs well naturally and I am sure its effects will bless you with all-round success in life.
This transit will bring an all-round development to their life. Saturn movement in their 3rd house will lead to travels, progress to younger co-born, promotion and is very good for people related to sports and politics.
Saturn transit will also bring you into a love relationship and those who are planning for progeny will find themselves lucky.
Overall a very auspicious and once in a lifetime transit for Libra ascendant natives, don’t miss this chance and do hard work and give your sincere efforts on what you want to do.
Wear a Jyotish quality Blue Sapphire, to gain the maximum from Saturn transit during 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Saturn Transit Effects On Scorpio Ascendant
For Scorpio ascendant natives Saturn is a malefic planet due to its rulership over 3rd & 4th house.
Saturn is in your ascendant since November 2014 and there were delays in all aspects of your life.
The promotion was delayed, marriage prospects were not suitable and so on.
Now with Saturn transit through your 2nd house will lead to many changes in life.
First of all, your health will improve and all the laziness you were experiencing before will be gone.
Your career will come on track, but slowly but surely. There will be sudden marriage plans in your mind and with the support of Dasha and the planet Jupiter, it will materialize this time.
Saturn transit over your 2nd will have some negative effects on your family and food habits.
Try not to indulge in harmful food habits and bad company of people also, it may lead to problems like alcohol intake or smoking.
Overall it is better transit, then the current one, but still some cautions are required in health and physical safety areas.
Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to minimize the bad effects of Saturn transit in Sagittarius.
Saturn Transit Effects On Sagittarius Ascendant
For Sagittarius ascendant natives Saturn rules over 2nd and 3rd and is a malefic planet for them.
Now with Saturn movement through your ascendant will bring some challenges in your life but still this transit will be better than Saturn’s transit through your 12th house. With Saturn passing through your ascendant there will be some health issues along with some laziness or in other words, you will find yourself postponing important works, which ultimately will lead to obstacles in your path for progress.
There will be some serious delays in marriage and promotion, but Saturn won’t be denying it, with the support of Jupiter and handwork you will get through things. Overall a transit which is better than the current one, but some tough situations will be there.
Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to minimize the bad effects of this Saturn transit.
Saturn Transit Effects On Capricorn Ascendant
Saturn is lord of the 1st and 2nd house and is a benefic planet here. Saturn transit through Sagittarius will be passing through their 12th house and will bring some challenges in areas of work and health. Now the protection will be gone with this transit, Saturn in Scorpio was a positive transit and lead you to success and protected you from evils.
With Saturn’s movement through your 12th will lead to some hectic schedule for you.You may find yourself in unwanted job postings and transfer is on the card for you.
Those who are looking for abroad ventures will be lucky with this transit. There will be a source of earnings from abroad though expenditures will also rise.
Wear a Jyotish quality Blue Sapphire, to gain the maximum from this Saturn transit in Sagittarius.
Saturn Transit Effects On Aquarius Ascendant
For Aquarius Ascendant natives, Saturn is lord of 1st & 12th house, and during this transit in Sagittarius, it will pass through their 11th house.
This transit is going to be great for you; there will be great financial gains, expansion in your network, health will improve and you will be ambitious, which will help you in a long run.
Those who are suffering from any kind of health issue will see relief and it will make you indulge in activities which will prove good for your health on a long run.
Support from elder sibling will be there and relation with them will improve.
Those who are looking to start a family will get the extra support of the planet Saturn.
Saturn transit over your 11th house will open gateways for abroad income and chances of gains through inheritance is also there.
Overall a very auspicious and once in lifetime opportunity for you.
Wear a Jyotish quality Blue Sapphire, to gain the maximum from Saturn transit in Sagittarius, blue sapphire will allow you to capitalize the opportunities coming in your way.
Saturn Transit Effects On Pisces Ascendant
For Pisces Ascendant natives, Saturn is lord of the 11th & 12th house and is a malefic planet for them. Saturn is going to move out their 9th house and will enter their 10th house.
We all know that 10th house is a natural house for Saturn and its transit from the 10th house is a very important phase in our life.
Saturn here will bless you with gains and work opportunities from abroad. This transit will prove as a milestone for you, but it will happen with handwork and patience. It won’t be easy and there will be hard work and pressure on you but from 2018 May itself you will start seeing the good results of Saturn transit through your 10th house.
Saturn aspect on the 4th house may affect your mother’s health and you need extra caution for domestic peace too.
Best is to take care of mother’s health doing a regular health checkup will be best for you. Don’t lose your calm on small issues otherwise, there can be some arguments inside the house.
House and luxury buying is also on the cards and with the help of Jupiter transit, you will be able to get access to your dream house or car.
Those who want to get married will also get the extra support of planets but here Dasha Lord position and relation with the 7th house will also matter.
House and luxury buying is also on the cards and with the help of Jupiter transit, you will be able to get access to your dream house or car.
Overall it is a positive transit as far as material progress is concerned.the only concern here will be the mother and spouse’s health.
The only concern here will be the mother’s and spouse’s health.
Wear a Jyotish quality Yellow Sapphire to minimize the bad effects of Saturn transit in Sagittarius. This will make your ascendant Lord strong and will counter the negative effects of Saturn transit through your 10th house.