What Happens When You Keep Complaining All The Time – Let’s Find It Out From An Astrological Angle

Venus is a constructive planet, which is why it represents creativity, refined behaviour, good thought process, multiple talents and creative pursuits such as arts, music, dance etc. It represents unique ability of the mind to create something inimitable and beautiful. Whenever it is about good temperament and constructive thought process, Venus is the planet that blinks in my mind! Native with a well-placed Venus chooses to handle things in a constructive order in place of complaining or becoming destructive and pessimist.

When we choose to complain all the time in place of taking some definite actions about the problem, we unknowingly create a design filled with frustration and despair, which further disables us to think in the right order. When we complain all the time, our vision about overcoming the problem shrinks and we end up creating one large field for our problems to stay. When we complain, we unconsciously knock down our capability, inner strength and motivation with which we could have had attained victory over our troubles. This mindset gets us in a comfort zone, where compromising our own development, fighting spirit and valuable insights for solving the problem is preferred, since we find it a little easy and comforting. From our temperament to creativity, constant complaining can hamper lot many aspects in our lives. When we get addicted to complaining, we create a souk for multiple lower vibrations such as flawed thinking, dullness and vicious patterns. This altogether weakens our positive thinking and if we look at it astrologically, it weakens the energy of Venus. Venus is a creative planet and its energy guides us to do everything in an organised manner.

Strong Venus guides one with organisation of thoughts, creative elements and beautification of things. Habit of constant complaining sets a tone for downbeat outlook, where mind stops thinking in a constructive manner and chooses to stick to unhelpful modes of thinking and acting. Good Venus can represent an utterly beautiful mind, which loves to think and act in a unique way. Complaining can get in the way of these beautiful and unique thoughts. When you stop complaining and start acting more thoughtfully and responsibly towards your problem, followed by a constructive approach for solving issues in your life, you start attracting more of Venus’ energy, which helps to create good patterns in life.

Happy Reading! 😊