Link between Ketu and Dogs in Astrology!

When native is undergoing Ketu’s period, he is recommended to feed dogs as a part of remedy. Let’s understand why..

Again there are so many explanations accompanying the link between Ketu and dogs, however I am going to pen down the one that relates and reasons well with my understanding.

Ketu represents detachment and selflessness. Ketu’s energy is blind in its form and flows in one direction vigorously, irrespective of whether the direction is right or wrong. Dog represents selflessness and unconditional love for his master or anyone he loves. Ketu wants native to forget about his own self during its time and be of service to others instead of self. That’s exactly the nature and the very fact about dog’s existence. Dog keeps his master first and never worries about his own self. Dog’s energy just flows in one direction, for it is all about unconditional love and selflessness and it matches the energy of Ketu.

Ketu wants native to lessen his desire during its period and practice detachment.Every attachment in our lives is treated as a selfish act which is intended towards fulfilling our desires. So is the very reason Ketu period usually cuts of one or more chapters durings its period from native’s life, for it is trying to teach you detachment and selflessness.

By feeding dogs or probably giving shelter to one, native remains in close and frequent contact with dog. Dog’s energy helps native to understand the rythym of Ketu’ time period well. And since native gradually begins to absorb the energy of dog, he slowly beigns to understand what selflessness and being of service to others can mean.

In few cases, depending on unique placements in the birth chart, which indicate harsh results of Ketu, it is even recommended to pet a dog, for it holds the possibility of eliminating any major concerns indicated in the birth chart.