Moon represents our emotion and Rahu represents moving energy which expands in a way, that we often feel lost, confused, indecisive and deluded to greater extent. We get trapped in overthinking, illusion, daydreaming and other such scenarios during its time period (if other placements in birth chart fail to overpower its effect).
Rahu expands the karkatva (element) of the planet it is associated with. When Rahu conjoins moon, we call it a ‘Grahan Yoga’, because moon represents mind, and when Rahu is in close conjunction with moon, it indicates vulnerable mind and emotional imbalance, until this yoga is being aspected by some auspicious planet, which is in a good strength or lagna being aspected or occupied by some auspicious and strong planet in birth chart.
Rahu conjoining moon in birth chart can play emotional tricks with your mind. To describe well, it is more like you will feel as if you are overly emotional, you are unable to manage your emotions, you are unable to gain emotional maturity and intelligence, irrespective of reaching a point or an age, which usually make others more stable and wise with their emotional intellect.
In addition to this, if moon is afflicted by other planets too, then native finds it difficult to gain emotional stability for a long period of time and feels emotionally vulnerable and is unable to get clear view of things happening in his life in personal front.
If a person with this placement is heavily affected by aforementioned effects, he should practice mindfulness and should meditate religiously. We all know that meditation helps to attain mental and emotional stability, so if any placement is indicating lack of stability in our mental and emotional aptitude, one should consider meditation as the most effective medicine and way to overcome such issues in life.
Happy Reading!